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General Bajwa, has requested assistance from Washington in achieving an early transfer of funds from the IMFin order to help stabilize Pakistan's shrinking economy.

  The Chief of Army Staff, General Qamar Javed Bajwa, has requested assistance from Washington in achieving an early transfer of funds from the International Monetary Fund in order to help stabilize Pakistan's shrinking economy. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman, according to security sources, spoke with the army chief earlier this week. It is stated that the army chief made a plea to the White House and Treasury Department to get the IMF to immediately supply the almost $1.2 billion that the country is slated to receive under a reopened loan program. "Staff-level approval" for the loan was granted by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on July 13. IMF Executive Board clearance is required before the transaction can be completed as part of Pakistan's $6 billion Extended Fund Facility. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) will be on vacation for the next three weeks, and its board will not meet until late August at the earliest. According to an IMF official wh

Should Dua Zehra depart from Zaheer and go back to her parents?

Dua Zahra asks parents to stop shaming her and her husband Zaheer Ahmed during a private digital TV interview.
The teen's family has been attempting to gain custody of her and has filed numerous court suits, alleging that Zaheer abducted their daughter because she was a "minor" and was unable to get married.

given her age.

The girl is between the ages of 15 and 16 according to the most recent medical board findings, and Sindh and Punjab law prohibits marriage at those ages. 

Zahra argued and stated that she will not travel to her hometown under any circumstances because she believes her life is "in danger" there after receiving threats to her life in Karachi.

"Please let me know whether my parents are trying to kill me by doing all of this. I'll take my own life, "Dua Zahra adds.

"My parents have been lying since day one," she claims.

As for the lawsuit involving Dua's marriage, the last and final decision may be made on July 20. Given that marriage before the age of 18 is utterly prohibited in Pakistan, it is hoped that the case will be decided in Dua's parents' favor. 
